Friday, October 09, 2015

Print No Data Found in Oracle Report/ XML Report

I Have one Requirement to print No Data Found in Oracle Reports or XML Report Template,if my SQL Statement doesn't Return any Row.

We can do it in few ways.

A)-In rdf, we can define a summary column (say CF_COUNT) which counts the number of rows of a group, and in the rtf layout create a text form field and put the helptext as 

<?if:CF_COUNT=0?>No Data Found<?end if?>

B)-Other way to text in RTF Temaplate

In the RTF layout
create a text form field and put the help text as 

<?if: count(./LIST_G_SO_NUMBER/G_SO_NUMBER/LIST_G_SO_NUMBER1/G_SO_NUMBER1)=0?>No Data Found<?end if?>
is the expected path to the group, from the root of the xml, that we define. This expression will count the number of occurances of the group "G_SO_NUMBER1" 

C)- Using Choose and When Option

Assume we have the following XML

 <ADDRESS_LINE1>3405 East Bay Blvd.</ADDRESS_LINE1>
 <ADDRESS_LINE1>8762 Rawlins Road</ADDRESS_LINE1>
 <CITY>Castle Rock</CITY>

Notice the second CUSTOMER has a no INVOICES present. We can test for that and replace an invoice section with a 'No Data Found' string.

The 'if' statement in XSL does not have a 'then else' format i.e. all we have is 'if expr end if'. There is an alternative, the 'choose' statement, its a little verbose but we can use it.

 <?when:count(TRX_NUMBER) > 0?>
     Invoice Table
 <?end when?>
     No Data Found
 <?end otherwise?>
<?end choose?>

Notice all we are doing is counting how many instances of TRX_NUMBER are present. If there are one or more present then the Invoice Table is rendered otherwise we get the 'No Data Found' string.

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